Hemp Seeds
Superfood Hanfsamen
Harvest: August til October
farming: 100% certified organic agriculture
Origin: Europe, Chin
Our hemp seeds are tested on traces of narcotics ( THC/Tetrahydrocannabinol) and can always be considered a safe food.
about hemp seeds
- With a fat content of 30-40%, these oil seeds are stuffed with polyunsaturated fatty acids.
- Hemp oil is obtained from the unhulled seeds of the cannabis plant (cannabis sativa). It contains between 50 and 60 percent of essential linioleic acic and around 25 percent of the particularly healthy alpha linoleic acid-both in optimum relation for the human digestion.
- Hempseeds are high in proteins and containe all essential amino acids needed for the human body.
- Hempsees are source for calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and iron as well as for vor vitamine B1, B2 and E.
- Hulled hempseed, also called hemp nuts, are used as a ready-to-eat ingredient.
protein booster
Hemp flour has a protein content of 30 percent and hemp protein powder even exceeds this with 50 percent of protein content.
Interesting for:
- elderly people, people allergic to nuts, vegans and vegetarians.
- Hulled hempseeds, both natural and toasted, have a nice nutty taste and go well with practically all dishes: in jogurts, granoals or as a vegan topping in soupds and salad.
- If coarsely ground in a kitchen machine and seasoned with a bit of salt or yeast flakes, hulled hempseeds are an authentic vegan alternative to Parmesan cheese.
- They are a nut alternative as a snack – rich in proetin but suitable for nut allergics.
- Vegetable spreads profit from taste, nutritioanl value and texture given by hulled hempseeds.

Our hemp seed products:
organic hemp hulled
organic hemp narural
organic hemp flour
organic hemp protein
organic hemp flour
available bag sizes
500 g · consumer units private label
2,5 kg/5,0 kg · catering units
25 kg industry
750 kg bigbags for the industry
For customized bag weights or your private label ideas – just contact us!
Certified quality