Pseudo Cereals
Quinoa,Amaranth, Millet, Buckwheat…

from certified organic agriculture

We started our direct cooperation with small rural farmers´ cooperatives of the remote Andean areas of Peru and Bolivia in the early 2000´s when Ziegler Organic started to establish Quinoa and Amaranth as a relevant staple in the European food market. Since that time, Ziegler Organic has developed from a visionary pioneer to a Europe-wide leading company for gluten free cereals like Amaranth, Quinoa, Teff, Millet and Buckwheat. Discover our unique wholefood assortment from direct contract growing fulfilling both criteria of ethical and social standards and highest product quality –  guaranteed by our own food processing facility.


products you cannot find in our assortment?- just ask us!

at your disposal:

tel +49 9232 – 9918 – 80

Future grains from ancient times…because we are personally convinced!


From day one, we have been supporting our farming partners, which are often located in the poorest areas of the world . No matter where, Peru. Bolivia or India – we know the farming origin of our products and commit to  all recognized standards of social compliance and ethical trading. Fairtrade principles like microcrediting, guaranteed price levels independent from eventual market turbulences, community support in good organic farming practice by our in-field agronomists have always been key element in our working protocol and made Ziegler Organic a real partner helping to develop many farmers´ communities all over the world in significantly improving their standard of living by getting access to the organic market by the trading relation. A partnership of trust granting long-term traceability to our customers and the final consumers.


You have questions about our pseudo cereals or other organic food ingredients? Our multilingual sales team is looking forward to assisting you.

Certified quality
