Market Report Psyllium September 2022

Christof Götz
Managing Partner


Psyllium husk, mainly grown in India, has become a key functional ingredient both in gluten free applications and as a natural digestive aid.

With ongoing problems both in India’s organic certification body infrastructure and regular occurrence of nicotine traces originating from neighboring tobacco plantations typical for the Gujarat region, psyllium supply in Europe has been subject to shortages due to a lack of conform and certified product.

Thanks to strict and rigid quality policy at our farming projects, Ziegler Organic is able to supply organic psyllium from European stock in these difficult times.

Ziegler Organic can offer for prompt supply fully conform
organic psyllium husk,
organic psyllium husk powder
organic psyllium seeds.

Please send us your enquiry for an offer.

You have questions about our products, delivery times or about our company?

at your disposal:

phone: +49 9232 – 9918 -80