Market Report Quinoa 2023

Christof Götz
Managing Partner
Ziegler & Co. GmbH

new quinoa harvest in peru and bolivia

Black and red quinoa is mainly grown in Peru and will therefore be particularly short throughout the entire crop cycle 2023/2024.

Peru reports less available quantity than in 2022 due to wheather problems whereas Bolivia expects an overall good harvest in terms of quantity and quality.

Peru has startwd buying relevant quantites of Bolivian quinoa which has led to an increase in quinoa market prices.

As European quinoa stocks habe decreased significantly over the past months, the proce rise has fastly affected the EU market prices, too.

Our quinoa products

Phosphonic acid can be detected in many batches of Peru quinoa leading to an additional obstacle in Peru exports to the European Union. Phosphonic acid was permitted in organic farming until some years ago. The substance remains in the soil for many yesrs and can regularly be detected in food analyses. The approval of a positiviely tested batch with authorities and certifiers can talke several months.

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