Market Report January 2023

Christof Götz
Managing Partner
Ziegler & Co. GmbH

No matter from which continent: Ziegler Organic has secure supply chains and very good availabilities.

Nevertheless, long-term planning and sufficient stockpiling is the safe way to minimize supply risks. We recommend our attractive offers for rice, buckwheat, quinoa, lentils and sunflower seeds.


Italy: we are currently offering Italian rice crop 2022 at attractive conditions and expect a rprice rise for the second half of the crop cycle (March until September).

Basmati is high in demand, and we recommend to secure your demand from our local stock now as prices have risen in the countries of origin which will affect the EU prices very soon.



Prices of European buckwheat crop 2022 are on a slower level than the year before.

Lower-priced Chinese buckwheat is available, however longer lead times have always to be taken into account for this origin due to time-consuming import regulations.



White and black quinoa remains at stable price levels with good and prompt availability on the European market.

Red quinoa is currently subject to extreme shortage. It is advisable to secure your demand as soon as possible to avoid ruptures in supply before the arrival of new crop 2023 i the spring/early summer months.


Lentils turkey

Red and brown lentils are currently lower-priced than at the beginning of the harvest season June/July 2022. Higher price levels are to be expected for the harvest 2023 due to the effects of currency turbulences in Turkey. We recommend you to secure now your demands at reasonable price levels.


Sunflowers kernels origin EU

Prices have relaxed since the harvest in autumn 2022 and we can now offer organic sunflower kernels at attractive conditions for both spot and longer-term contract supplies.


You have questions about our products, delivery times or about our company?

at your disposal:

phone: +49 9232 – 9918 -80